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Watch the Mysterious Universe that is “Slow Years” by DANCING PLAGUE

Introducing the brand new music video from darkwave solo project Dancing Plague! This one is for “Slow Years”, the first track off the Pure Desperation album released in March of this year. Previously known as The Dancing Plague of 1518, the Spokane, WA based artist is a true master of the black and white silent film aesthetic. Such films are always projected behind him for Dancing Plague shows, the footage edited to match the music perfectly and creating a unique mood and experience that, frankly, blew me away completely at Out From The Shadows IV this year.

That being said, the video for “Slow Years” is a taste of what you can expect from live Dancing Plague shows. Beyond evoking a mood, it truly feels like you’ve been transported to a mysterious universe. You don’t know what’s coming next and you feel a little strange, but you’ll eagerly dance along for the ride!


Written By

Sär is a writer and music enthusiast born and raised in the Portland, OR area. They have been an avid listener of goth, postpunk and deathrock since 2003 and their ultimate goal is to introduce as many people to as many of these amazing bands as possible.

Sentient 51423

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