Hot diggity damn, Academy Order is the freaking BOMB! Their soon-to-be-released record To Wilt Without Shame is a banger on all levels! It’s full of intense Death Rock power but also has these ethereal, melodic sonic clouds that float above their song structure. I can’t front – as a human that roamed the streets of Southern California during the ’80s and saw 45 GRAVE, LEGAL WEAPON, and TSOL many times, I can tell you that Academy Order is a gem. I feel beyond honored to share their new song “Victuals” with you below. I would like to salute Convulse Records for releasing this insanely sick band, and the record can be ordered HERE!
Norelle Green (Vocals, synth): I’ve always had a love for goth and new wave, so when Matthew showed me the record and asked if I’d sing, I was immediately down. None of the other projects we do call for synth so writing that out was also a plus.
Matthew Green: (Vocals): The theatrics of bands like 45 Grave and TSOL really grabbed me as a kid, so doing a band like that has always been something I wanted to get around to. Like most people, we’ve had some extra time on our hands while shows and touring are indefinitely on hold, so I’m glad we had time to get this together.
I wrote “Victuals” about the meaninglessness of most of what we give chase to as a generation. It’s something we’ve seen exemplified for a while, but especially in the pre-apocalyptic state we live in now.