Film Experience the Majestic Post-Metal of the TESA C O N T R O L Visual Album Last year, the mesmerizing post-metal band Tesa released their album C O N T R O L via My Proud Mountain Records, and it... MeghanMay 13, 2021
Music POST ROCK as a weapon against White Supremacy! TESA ‘Control’ lP Full Stream I need the mental space to think of a better tomorrow because today I’m battling the reality of WHITE SUPREMACY! I need to listen... Sean ReveronMay 28, 2020
Film Witness the Post Rock Majesty of TESA’s CONTROL 5 visual. Are you ready for this? It’s time for you to allow Tesa’s new visual for “CONTROL 5” to take you to another plane! To... Sean ReveronMay 26, 2020
Art CVLT Nation Captures AMPLIFEST 2016 Days Three & Four Photos:Â Pedro Roque One of these days, CVLT Nation is going to get our envious asses over to Porto in Portugal so that we can... MeghanSeptember 12, 2016