History The Massacre of the Innocents: Victorian Post-Mortem Portraits In Victorian England, 15-20% of children died before their first birthday. In one city, Preston, the year 1844 saw 45% of the city’s total... MeghanJuly 9, 2024
Bizarre R.I.P. Man’s Best Friend Post-mortem Photography Part III If you’ve been following CVLT Nation for a while, then you know we are unabashed taphophiles. There’s nothing we like more than music, art... MeghanJuly 17, 2014
Photography Live Forever… Evergreen by Bjørn Haldorsen By Sahara Borja via Feature Shoot Copenhagen-based photographer Bjørn Haldorsen began Evergreen, his work exploring a Brooklyn funeral home of the same name, while... MeghanApril 24, 2014