80s Hardcore There is No Authority But Yourself… CRASS Documentary From my point of view, Crass is one of, if not the most, important bands to come out of the punk scene, and they... Sean ReveronSeptember 17, 2024
80s Hardcore The struggle Continues! Listen to Domination Or Destruction by ICONOCLAST! 36 years ago, the world was a different place. I was a 15 year old teenager that looked at the world through the lens... Sean ReveronOctober 11, 2019
80s Hardcore PEACE PUNK HISTORY! A State of Mind / Chumbawamba “We are the world?” split Ep, 1986 This feature was taken from Terminal Sound Nuisance Taken out of context, I suppose this split Ep can look slightly surreal in 2018. After... Sean ReveronAugust 26, 2019
Crust BROKEN SPIRIT ‘Vultures And Pigs’ LP Review + Tour Announcement Portland based dark anarcho-punk Broken Spirit are hitting the West Coast as they simultaneously release their serious gem of a debut LP, Vultures And... SärMarch 2, 2018
Death Rock A Dark Punk Demo for Halloween: Slimy Member from Dallas Slimy Member are a four piece dark punk act from Dallas, Texas, founded in late 2013. Their name obviously comes from the title of... Oliver SheppardOctober 31, 2014
Featured PART 1’s Chris Low: “Graveyard Songs for the Funeral Parade” Mixtape At the bottom of this post is a special mixtape Chris Low made for the second anniversary of the Funeral Parade deathrock event in... Oliver SheppardSeptember 3, 2014