Comics See the Indigenous Artists Creating Their Own Comic Universe Story via Huck Magazine Illustrator Weshoyot Alvitre grew up in Southern California’s Tongva homelands in the ’80s and ’90s. However, much like the tribe itself,... Sean ReveronMarch 15, 2023
Avant Garde LIONOKA “Tides of Triumph” is a Native American Black metal – Masterpiece Out of pain and trauma, art is born! Out of the celebration of ourstory and the beauty of our past, art is born! As... Sean ReveronApril 2, 2021
Art Beauty & Pain: The First Nations Portraiture of Edward Sheriff Curtis When I look at the photography of Edward Sheriff Curtis and the way he captured the pain and beauty of so many of the First... Sean ReveronFebruary 4, 2016
History The Great Dying: New England’s Coastal Plague, 1616-1619 “[How] strangely they have decreased by the Hand of God… and it hath generally been observed that where the English come to settle, a... Mark LaskeyJuly 15, 2014