Bizarre Necronomicon Ex-Mortis: Real Books Bound in Human Skin, But Probably Not Inked with Human Blood The sky has darkenedThirteen as we areWe are collected woeful around a bookMade of human flesh – Mayhem “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas” Not only... KristinSeptember 30, 2020
Avant Garde WTF!!! The New MUTTER Video “Dry Cum” WTF!!!!!! The new MUTTER video “Dry Cum” is a head fuck to say the least. It’s ugly times ugly, but I can not stop... Sean ReveronApril 3, 2015
Avant Garde CVLT Nation’s Top Six New Bands You Must HEAR Today! 1. BLOTTER BLOTTER’s 5 song EP Under Armour ’77 is a perfect blast of hardcore! On the mark, get set, go: all of their... Sean ReveronJuly 24, 2014