Full Sets Witness the Blistering Synth Punk Experience That is MSPAINT Live! There’s a reason why Mississippi’s MSPAINT doesn’t make hardcore punk but hardcore punks love MSPAINT. Their music is weird, heavy, danceable, grungy, fuzzy, and... MeghanApril 19, 2024
Interviews Chemical Components of Compassion: MSPAINT Invents An Artform On ‘Post-American’ According to Dio Cassius, when giraffes were first brought to Rome, they were named Cameleopards. This name made sense to the Romans because the... EvanMCMarch 14, 2023
Hardcore Punk Hear the Misfit Indie Hardcore Punk of MSPAINT ‘Post-American’ What do you get when you take hardcore punk, post-punk, synths, and ’99 indie rock and put it through MSPaint? You get an intoxicating... MeghanJanuary 20, 2023