Doom Crushed by Behemoths: DISROTTED / IRN Split Review – Stream – Footage HEAVY doesn’t even begin to describe this goddamned thing. Conceived in torment and then begotten straight into death, this brand new DISROTTED / IRN split is one... CerberoFebruary 28, 2017
Doom Premiere Streaming: HAGGATHA “V” Despair; Murky, Dank Nothingness; Melody Drenched in Filth; and Monolithic Feedback are some of the words that come to my mind as I listen... Sean ReveronJanuary 12, 2017
Doom Suffocating DOOM!!!Premiere Streaming: IRN // DISROTTED Split How slow can a riff be? How heavy can a split get? How fucking sick is it when two of your favorite bands work together? The... Sean ReveronJanuary 10, 2017