Documentaries A Must See Doc on Decades of Gang Violence: L.A. SHERIFF’S DEPUTY GANGS are Terrorizing the City of Angels 53 years ago, I was born in Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital, and my first home was at 25th and Normandie. I grew up around the... Sean ReveronSeptember 9, 2022
Documentaries 70′s New York Street Gang Documentary: FLYING CUT SLEEVES Now Showing! The Flying Cut Sleeves documentary is an unreal look at 1970’s NYC street gangs. Check out this film and go back to a time... Sean ReveronJuly 21, 2014
Documentaries Stop the Insanity… PTSD caused by Gang Violence! Documentary Now Showing Los Angeles is many different things to many different people. To some, it’s a place of nothing but fun in the sun. But to... Sean ReveronJune 9, 2014