Black Metal Experience The Blackened Sonic Whirlwind that is MISÉRICORDE “Self Deprivation” Brooklyn’s Miséricorde is insane! Not in the serial killer way, though their six-song EP, Self Deprivation, is unhinged by way of its execution. The... BruceMarch 7, 2023
Doom Hear the Technicolor Doom Rock Groove of DANAVA “Enchanted Villain” DANAVA celebrates its 20th anniversary this year and in the words of Mike Scheidt from YOB, “they’re pretty much set to show the current... MeghanMarch 7, 2023
Dream POP Experience the Enchanting DIY Pop of CROSSLEGGED “Another Blue” Sometimes music hits you like a good smoothie! Sometimes music hits you like sunbeams shimmering off of the ocean. Sometimes music hits you in... Sean ReveronMarch 7, 2023
Art Gaze into the Twisted and Uncomfortable World of MICHAEL KIRKHAM Sex, Isolation, Addiction, Violence, and Silence are some of the things that are captured in Michael Kirkham‘s paintings. Honestly, when I look at many... Sean ReveronMarch 7, 2023
PUNK Witness the Menacing Infectious Angular Punk of LIFE IN VACUUM “Breathing In” I write this with a smile on my face! LIFE IN VACUUM’s music takes me back to when I lived in Seattle in 2001.... Sean ReveronMarch 3, 2023
Music Videos Hear the Off-Kilter Post-Punk Rock of ROUGH KIDS “Big Fan” This new Rough Kids record has me moving as soon as I hit play on it! Their off-kilter noisy post-punk rock n’ roll jolts... MeghanMarch 3, 2023