Bizarre The Most Important Documentary Series Ever! An In-Depth Look at The Century of the Self For good or ill, the theories of Sigmund Freud exerted an enormous influence on the 20th century, becoming deeply entrenched in Western culture to... Lilian VoidAugust 19, 2020
Avant Garde Get into IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT’s Blackened Avant-Garde State of Mind Imperial Triumphant has long been one of Extreme Metal’s best kept secrets, their music a startling amalgamation of dissonant Black Metal mixed with a... Todd ManningAugust 14, 2018
Documentaries The Idea of the Id: Adam Curtis’ The Century of the Self For good or ill, the theories of Sigmund Freud exerted an enormous influence on the 20th century, becoming deeply entrenched in Western culture to... IanAugust 13, 2014