Apocalyptic Blues An interview with Chicago neofolk band ET NIHIL by Oliver Sheppard Earlier neofolk was sometimes called “apocalyptic folk,” a phrase seen on at least one early Current 93 flyer that seemed to sum up early... Oliver SheppardJanuary 16, 2014
Apocalyptic Blues CVLT Nation’s Top 6 Neofolk Releases of 2013! by Oliver Sheppard A lot of the recent infusion of music and interest into neofolk can be traced to bands like Cult of Youth... Oliver SheppardDecember 20, 2013
Death Rock CVLT Nation’s Top 6 (and more) Deathrock releases of 2013 by Oliver Sheppard It was a hard field to narrow down to only 6, but here’s my take on the Top 6 deathrock/goth-punk/etc releases... Oliver SheppardDecember 16, 2013
Dark Folk Neofolk in Texas: Interviews with Awen and Gabhar by Oliver Sheppard In 1960, American novelist John Steinbeck wrote: “I have said that Texas is a state of mind, but I think it is more than... Oliver SheppardAugust 20, 2013
Death Rock From Hardcore to Postpunk: 5 Overlooked Bands by Oliver Sheppard (Note: This article originally appeared, in an earlier form, at Souciant.com, here. It is reprinted with permission from the author.) Manchester’s Warsaw changed their... Oliver SheppardJuly 29, 2013
Dark Folk An Exclusive Interview with Neofolk Musician ART ABSCONS by Oliver Sheppard German neofolk musician Art Abscons’ Les Sentiers Éternels LP was named one of CVLT Nation’s “Top 6 Neofolk Releases” last year, and with good... Oliver SheppardMay 7, 2013