Crust AGRIMONIARites of Separation Review Where have Agrimonia been? It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly three years since Host of the Winged. A band as good as... JonathanApril 3, 2013
Crust An interview with… dark punk band Dekoder!by Oliver Sheppard First there was the d-beat crust of Born Dead Icons, whose 2003 Ruins LP is some sort of d-beat/crust masterpiece. Then came the “post-d-beat”... Oliver SheppardJune 27, 2012
Crust Review of Cross Stitched Eyes’ “Decomposition” LP by Oliver Sheppard Since 2005, Cross Stitched Eyes have been dishing out a viscerally compelling, deathrock-tinged take on hardcore punk. Their new Decomposition LP — out on... Oliver SheppardMay 2, 2012