Trip Hop You Were Given Ears so That You Could Experience the Majestic Trip Hop From BLINDSIGHT How would I describe the new S/T record by blindsight? A huge sonic cloud raining down the kind of audio vibes I need in... Sean ReveronOctober 15, 2024
Dream POP CVLT Nation’s Top 10 DREAMPOP & TRIP HOP Records of 2023 #10 SAGITTAIRE Lucian & Caroline What time is it? It’s time to turn y’all on to Sagittaire (a.k.a. Ivan Mairesse) and his new album Lucian & Caroline which... MeghanDecember 18, 2023
Dream POP Tune in to the Tripped-Out Dream Pop of BLINDSIGHT ‘Channel Normal’ I read somewhere that the vast majority of people stop discovering new music at age 33, which blows my mind as someone who’s 10... MeghanMay 31, 2023