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Follow the Raw Psychedelic Doomgaze Path of MEGATON LEVIATHAN ‘Magick Helmet’

MEGATON LEVIATHAN always brings us something special. In all the years we’ve covered this band, they never fail to push the boundaries further than they’ve done before. Today we’re lucky to be sharing their new record Magick Helmet in full, and it’s a wild and raw Psychedelic Doomgaze trip! It comes out on December 8th via Volatile Rock Recordings — get it here or get it here — and MEGATON LEVIATHAN founder is making this offering to the people for free. This is music for those who want to go on a sonic journey, one that dives into the inner workings of our minds and weaves the threads of past and future into the present. There are elements of garage rock, noise, psych, and pop on this record, and every track is wrapped in heavy layers of feedback. I’m going to need to eat some fungi, put on Magick Helmet, and see where my mind takes me as I digest these sounds! If you want to do the same, listen to our full premiere of the album below…

Magick Helmet was recorded in 4 separate sessions in the Psychedelic Inner Fortress studios , during the spring of 2023. On the spot with no prior rehearsals or roadmap.  The idea was to present a primitive stripped down version of Megaton Leviathan with an underground vibe befitting of the true heads who follow CVLT NATION.

“Outside inside, Dawn the Magick Helmet and take her for a ride. An instrumental album recorded by Megaton Leviathan mastermind and founding member, Reuscher in his Psychedelic Inner Fortress studios. It is available free on the band website and band camp, for the friends, fans, and supporters of Megaton Leviathan. Thank you.” 

“In the 5 years plus since MEGATON LEVIATHAN’s critically acclaimed album Mage, the band has undergone an overhaul. From being signed to Outrun and label Blood Music and having a wrecking crew of musicians, MEGATON LEVIATHAN is now completely independent on Reuscher’s own Volatile Rock Recordings, with a maximum Doomgaze and minimalist approach embracing change and employing his love for things gritty, CVLT and mind-altering. With a new line up, in a new town (Astoria Or.) consisting of a power trio, pounding out primitive, subversive, and psychedelic Doompop hooks before re-committing to the ecstasy of becoming once again, half machine.”

Written By

Meghan MacRae grew up in Vancouver, Canada, but spent many years living in the remote woods. Living in the shadow of grizzly bears, cougars and the other predators of the wilderness taught her about the dark side of nature, and taught her to accept her place in nature's order as their prey. She is co-founder of CVLT Nation.

Sentient 51423

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