Portland, OR has spawned another of the devil’s progeny in the form of RUMINANT, who are ready to force your daily dose of audio hate down your throat with a spoonful of razors! Do you like your grind with groove? Then you will love the way this band hammers their way into your skull and carves out your braincells. Featuring members of Wounded Tongue and Dödläge, RUMINANT will be releasing their debut self-titled record in the near future, and based on the scathing track we are premiering today, this band has a lot of awesome things in store for the underground, not to mention they’ve already been on bills with the likes of The Body and Full of Hell on their recent tour. We’re stoked to be streaming their track “Dysphagia,” and make sure you head over to their bandcamp to check out what more they have in store for you…for now, hit play below and let RUMINANT batter your senses! If you are in their hometown, make sure to check them out at their upcoming show supporting BLACK BREATH on Oct. 12th.
Oct 12th, Portland, OR: High Water Mark w/ Black Breath, Vastation (event info)

“Dysphagia” lyrics