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Portraits of Rainbow Gatherings…
Hippies is Punks // Punks is Hippies

Punks is Hippies – or maybe I should say Hippies is Punks. Being a hardcore kid in the 80’s meant we had two enemies: the cops and hippies. I think we got it wrong on the latter tip, because now that I am older I do not have any hate towards the longhaired rainbow lovers. Check out these amazing portraits we found on DOP. At this point in my life, I like to look for the things that bring us together and not the things that keep us apart!


Text via DOP


Just a few hours walk from the edge of civilization, there is this parallel universe of raw human beings that come together to practice a different way of living, away from the world of stuff. Did you ever ask yourself what it is, we actually need, after stripping away comfort and the narratives of the status quo? Then you should consider attending a Rainbow Gathering. Dare to walk these wild territories where they speak the language of the open heart, and you will learn a lot from tuning in, I promise.

Joth Shakerley is following his family for over twenty years. The pictures he brought back are beyond words.

Find more on Joth’s website or Instagram.



Rainbow Gatherings are temporary intentional communities, typically held in outdoor settings, and espousing and practicing ideals of peace, love, harmony, freedom and community, as a consciously expressed alternative to mainstream popular culture, consumerism, capitalism and mass media.

Lately I also rediscovered the wholesome experience of being with with a group of strangers who share an intention of love & growth.

Benoit Paillé takes pictures of his family for more than three years now. See more of his work here: Flickr / Behance


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