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Search results for "EYEHATEGOD"


TEN – HORSE LATITUDES Primal Gnosis Primal Gnosis starts with quite an ambient touch, as the drums and vocals appear through the dark depths...


Slow and tepid, like a beast emerging from the murky depths of the pestilent tarn, Jagged Mouth play doom with blackened vocals in a...


Nathan Tucker interviews Come to Grief In 1994, Grief released Come To Grief, one of the heaviest and slowest albums around at the time....

Avant Garde

The Italian extreme music scene has been boiling over with immense talent lately, and since I always keep a close eye on what’s been going...

Death Metal

Remember when French death metal/raw sludge aberration KARCAVUL released the Rawctaver demo back in 2012? It was a mind-blowing and crippling release that left deep...


They say time heals all wounds. In the case of Richmond quartet Cough, time appears to have become the catalyst that feeds their demons...

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