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Black Metal

Escape on the Electronic Blackened Psych Metal of ORANSSI PAZUZU ‘Muuntautuja’

ORANSSI PAZUZU is a band that never ceases to amaze me with the ways they morph and meld metal sounds into otherworldly sonic compositions that are almost impossible to genrify. Listening to their new record Muuntautuja feels like laying my head on an electronic blackened psych anvil and waiting for the black metal hammer to rain down on my fragile skull. From “Bioalkemisti” to “Vierivä usva,” this record is a formidable mind-fuck in the most dark and pleasurable way. “Valotus” feels like wandering into a pitch-black cavern, winding deeper through the rocky walls and feeling the earth’s molten heat grow and grow until it blasts the flesh from your skeleton. Then the delicate, eerie intro of “Ikikäärme” makes you feel like you’ve made it to safety only to find yourself surrounded by demons. I don’t know how such a devastatingly gloomy record can feel so uplifting to listen to. It sounds like music made by the fungus that consumes human brains and bodies in The Last of Us and I fucking love it. Some psilocybin would really complement Muuntautuja, actually, but don’t blame me for any transcendent terror you might experience if you try it. Check out ORANSSI PAZUZU’s new opus below and get it on vinyl right here. Catch them on a European tour with Solstafir next month!

Tour dates:

Art by Jenna Haapaharju

Written By

Meghan MacRae grew up in Vancouver, Canada, but spent many years living in the remote woods. Living in the shadow of grizzly bears, cougars and the other predators of the wilderness taught her about the dark side of nature, and taught her to accept her place in nature's order as their prey. She is co-founder of CVLT Nation.

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