Hey, Nourished by Time, I want you to know that both of your records (Catching Chickens and Erotic Probiotic 2) have brought so much joy to my life! You create R&B in your likeness and I’m a fan. From a personal perspective, I know that society loves to put Black creativity into boxes, and the sonics that you manifest are free of those perceived or actual constraints! I want you to know that your voice is a celebration of life and it’s complex, like the experience of our people in this land that we call Amerikkka.
When I hear your song “Rain Water Promise,” it makes me think about all of my family members loving each other no matter what society has put in front of them, and doing it while being suited and booted. Your voice is rich like my grandmother’s sock it to me cake and hits my world the way Marvin did when I first heard “Whats going On.” Your tune “Daddy” takes me back to the moment when I heard Ready for the World’s “Oh Shelia” for the first time, while also making me think about how Kraftwork’s “Computer World” was the cookout anthem during the early 80s. “Shed that Fear” speaks to the human condition we all face, and the chorus is on point!
I know I gotta shed that fear Of passing away In order to live Your life every day Your gotta shed that fear Of passing away In order to live Your life the right way.
Nourished by Time “Shed that Fear”
If I had to describe Nourished by Time as a shape, it would be an octagon because this artist’s soundscapes come in eight dimensions of audio bliss. The layers that make up “The Fields” are perfection and so fucking uplifting. I got to give Nourished by Time props for manifesting lo-fi high vibration visuals that make me smile. If you read this, Marcus, I want you know that you are the artist I needed in my life that I never heard until recently. I feel so honored that I get to see you perform on June 24th in Vancouver (peep the tour dates below). Nourished by Time gives me the kind of spiritual nourishment I need to get through this crazy thing called life and makes me feel free to conqueror all of my fears! You manifest music that is so good for my mental, and I know I’m not alone in saying this!