What is the most recent piece of vinyl we got that caused a spontaneous dance party in the CVLT Nation HQ? It is Belgrado’s Siglo XXI – every time we put it on our 2 1/2 can not help herself but to get her dance on! Plus, I fucking love every moment of this album myself. So when I saw that Belgrado created a visual for the song “Jeszcze Raz” I was beyond stoked! Check it out right here and now!
Dir/Prod/Edit: Belgrado
Ayud. de dirección: Víctor Morcillo
Dir. de fotografía: Alex Sardà
Gafer: Josep Riera
Cámara: Maria Parés
Ayud. de Cámara: Marina de Luis
Cámara ext: Nina Moreno y Renzo Narváez