As soon as this pandemic kicked off, I started to dig deeper into myself than ever before since I was a child. I realized that unless I wanted to be swept away in a monsoon of fear and paranoia that would only serve to crush my spirit, I had to invest in my mental, physical, and emotional health. And it’s served me throughout the crazy energy that’s bashed its way into my life throughout the year. Meditation and acceptance of mystery, magic, and mayhem have given me a place of peace in myself that I can retreat to. That’s why I feel that albums like MANSUR’s Karma are so important – they build a bridge between the eternal flame of wisdom we all hold inside and the technologies we’ve conceived as our saviors and oppressors. With a combination of traditional instrumentation and electronica, they’re a portal into planes of existence we can’t imagine, but we can feel. Karma comes out tomorrow, December 11th, via Denovali Records – pre-order it here – and today, we’re excited to share the full MANSUR album stream with you below.
As astronomer Carl Sagan once wrote, “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known”.
Universal lessons of life, brought by teachings and teachers of ages.Unimaginary worlds in all our capacities of being created.
MANSUR is the transformational vessel guiding you to these non-physical realms.
The realms you seek are already there, it’s up to you to find them.