Some of us have a massive audience to our existential pain, others die without anyone noticing they were once alive. And while every day the shit storm we’ve built gets bigger and bigger, we watch as a few of us are shielded with financial umbrellas as the rest of us drown in fecal matter. HEAD CUT wants to know, how long we’ll be able to keep our heads above the shitwaters? Their new single “Heart” is a death rock punk attack on the crumbling system that’s tied earth’s population to the stake and lit the fires under our collective feet. The only way out of the flames is to wake up to how we’re poisoning our minds, bodies, and spirits for profit, day in and day out. It’s off their debut S/T album comes out September 9th via Naked Time Tapes, Bat Cave Productions, and Dune Altar — stay tuned for pre-orders. Today we’re excited to share the official video for “Heart” with you below, so hit play and act local.
“Heart” is a commentary, criticism and questioning of current socio-economic, societal, environmental and existential issues that affect everyone from the child migrant worker in the U.S.A. to the power hungry, short-sighted, soulless billionaire criminals of the world. The song closes with the words, “Los fuegos arden y arden!” which translates to “the fires burn and burn.” This is a literal and figurative observation on what is occurring on a global scale and in our minds.
– Sasha Green, vocals
Upcoming HEAD CUT Shows:
September 30th – PACC – Oxnard, CA.
October 14th – Non Plus Ultra – LA, CA.
October 15th – All Kinds Studio, Ventura CA.