Being a child of the 80’s, I can remember when the ghouls came out at night and roamed the alleys of Hollywood. What would become known as Deathrock was actually just a part of our youth culture during this time. By 1983, Deathrock/Goth had become its own musical genre, with bands from around the world waving the black flag of death. In 1985, a group of young New Yorkers formed a group called THE NAKED AND THE DEAD. They only lasted as a band for 8 months, but within that time they accumulated a solid following. Over the decades, their music has become really sought after, which is why today is your lucky day, because we are streaming the full anthology of THE NAKED AND THE DEAD below! It should be noted that the record label annapurna is releasing this very special record on vinyl on March 1st (order here!).