Noisepoetnobody makes end of times music. But it’s not like most music we describe as “apocalyptic” around here. This is the sound of post-apocalypse; a quiet shuddering of what remains of human civilization. It’s the creak of useless metal and the static hum of wasted land. It’s the slow crawling of nature as it swallows the framework of our creation and buries it in ancient history. Their new LP Concrete Vitalist may not be something you throw on to jam out to, but it’s something that will captivate your imagination and take you to a world we’re fast approaching as we allow corporate overlords to rule us with unfettered capitalist fists. Concrete Vitalist comes out on Nov. 22nd via Scry Recordings – pre-order it here. Today we’re lucky to be able to share this dark trip with you in full, so find yourself a meditative space and listen to one stark vision of your future below…