What would happen if you saw a book filled with images that reminded you of what you saw when you were fried on acid? This is just the case when I first saw the pages of the Codex Seraphinianus. These are the kind of visuals that take over my imagination when I listen too much CAN. This bugged-out alternative universe was composed by Luigi Serafini in 1981, and it is full of otherworldly images that will have you scratching your head in awe. Wriiten in his own code language and with pictures reminiscent of a medieval medical text, this book looks like it should have been written centuries ago. But it also looks like a guide to the future, as if some 14th century scribe had a lucid dream of 4300 CE. Today CVLT Nation celebrates Codex Seraphinianus with a huge photo essay…I want this for my next b-day gift…hint hint to my wife if you are reading this!…Free Download HERE!