After we posted our review of Here Lies Man yesterday, one of our readers mentioned the influence of African psychedelic rock on their sound. Now I know I’ve criminally overlooked a seriously rad era of psych rock – whether it was the famous “Zamrock” scene from Zambian bands like WITCH, Amanaz, Ngozi Family or The Peace or the Nigerian scene which featured bands like The Hykkers, The Funkees or Tabukah ‘X.’ These bands took the influence of the psych rock coming out of the US and the UK, intertwined it with local musical styles and the otherworldly influences omnipresent in their culture and made some very sick and trippy music which in turn had an impact on the future of psych rock. Here’s a little playlist of some of the tracks and albums I found…
[youtube id=”uvzr-P629E8″]
[youtube id=”Wo7jnGJNx7w”]
[youtube id=”E80-QrtVH9E”]
[youtube id=”I-RbQjI3g-A”]
[youtube id=”Jk1JXc9ifRQ”]
[youtube id=”9czx-wkdtpw”]
[youtube id=”UW4KMQ7Vy8Q”]
[youtube id=”M96zt_Pxrvw”]
[youtube id=”3X-Zj_3yvGo”]
[youtube id=”zduoKERL9BI”]