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Experience the Experimental Sound Dimensions of HIVERLUCID ‘Abandonne’ + Visuals

It’s now time for y’all to tap into the alternative sonic universe of Hiverlucide. Their most recent album Abandonne is a ride to a place where nightmares are in Technicolor and sound has no Beginning or End. This band is truly experimental but also created from a place of passion that is very intense but also beautiful. As I listen to their song “Le Mépris,” my blood begins to boil and I begin to feel like I have the power to communicate from another astral plane all together! Now I want y’all to blast their tune “Comme un Temple nouveau ses rameaux s’épandront,” gaze outside of your window and allow their atmospheric noise soundscapes to alter your reality! All hail Hiverlucide for pushing all of us into new sonic dimensions!

Φ​​​α​​​λ​​​α​​​ι​​​ν​​​ο​​​μ​​​α​​​ν​​​ι​​​τ​​​ά​​​ρ​​​ι Hiverlucide & spaceseer

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