Dalai Cellai is an amazing cellist and a frequent collaborator of many powerhouse alternative metal bands including The Ocean Collective and Solstafir, as well as a member of dark acoustic/experimental/black metal collective Dirty Granny Tales, a mysterious entity that combines its mystical music with puppet, dance and theatrical shows.
Dalai now starts to venture out on her own, and staying true to the holistic experience that only audiovisual can achieve she brings “Harem’s Conspiracy – An Oriental Elegy.” Based around an imaginary story, where the harem’s concubines plot to murder their Sultan, Dalai offers a powerful and moving performance. A ritualistic enactment of the play, featuring all the mystery and despair, the rage and anger, the underlying passion and longing that this story beholds. Check out the video!
[youtube id=”LEnaSxu8n4c”]