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Ethereal Black Doom! Premiering : ISENORDAL – Spectral Embrace

On June 1 2018 Seattle WA-based ethereal black doom collective ISENORDAL will release their new album Spectral Embrace. While the staple meditative and mournful elements of their black/doom sound remain, with this work the band take somewhat of an “unplugged” approach to the craft, using acoustic guitars, violas, cellos and chanted vocals to conjure sentiments of loss, solitude, and distance within a way more intimate and contemplative framework, summoning in the end a beautiful and lush palette of acoustic colors and moods that are more akin to bands like Sangre de Muerdago or Aerial Ruin than to any other “metal” band, including theirselves.

Regardless of the mood you’re in or the skin you prefer to see the band in,  you will find Spectral Embrace absolutely mesmerizing as it lulls you into a bucolic oblivion and takes you by the hand into a dark pasture filled with fireflies and an lit by a haunting moonlight. You can preorder Spectral Embrace from the band and order it from Eternal Warfare Records once  released.

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Sentient 51423

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