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Black Metal

Experience the Primitive Ethereal Von Worship of BLOODSPORE CYLIX Demo

I say this with chest: I’m a Dog Heart – Lion Heart when it comes to keeping my feet on the necks of nazi scum, and I don’t care what color they are!!! I refuse to be silent against those who want to see the extermination of POC and say with my chest I’m unapologetically BLACK! The soundtrack to my ANTI-RACIST Fury today is Bloodspore Cylix’s new demo out now on The Final Return Records. I can’t help but get lost in their Blackened dirge of filth. This band writes Death Hymns that are full of unhinged sonic torment! From the moment I heard “Tithes of Blood”, I knew Bloodspore Cylix manifested the kind of maniacal melody that I loved! Yes, this pump-out Primitive Ethereal Von Worship jams but that’s the reason why I think they are so SICK! I can’t but have a vision of righting the wrongs that were done to my ancestors by the KKK as I blast “Atonement”. Real talk, Bloodspore Cylix is a Black Metal project that sounds to be on your radar if you dig insanely EPIC Music that just might inspire you to point your hate in the right direction!

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