Step into an alternate universe inhabited entirely by mutants and monsters. In this world, creatures have their likenesses immortalized by their official portrait painter, Dos Diablos. He works in oils and describes himself as a “classic painter,” and there is something of a soft Renaissance feel to his creepy portraits. He doesn’t judge the demonic appearance and fierce ugliness of his subjects, he just captures them as they are. Check out some of his recent works below, and you can get originals in his shop
Believing in demons is the same as believing in gods, angels, and all religious mythology. It is very interesting to see these creatures that have been invented over a long time, and studying them a little you realise the fears of the people at that time, their concerns and sometimes their mental delusions. The problem is that these evils have spread and been believed for thousands of years. There are many people who continue to believe in demons and blame them (even today) when they don’t realise that many of these demons are themselves.
Dos Diablos, GATA Magazine