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CVLT Nation Premiere: Streaming GAZE//KORP 12″

These bands deliver the most perfect record of pure reverb madness – Gaze from Dublin, Ireland and KORP from Malmö, Sweden. Both bands will be playing simultaneously in their own cities of Dublin and Malmo on Saturday night, and then will be touring Ireland together July 16th – 18th. Released by Imminent Destruction Records, Byllepest Distro and  Dogs and Vultures Distro . CVLT Nation is streaming the the album in full below!

01 - GazeKorpLPCoverSMALL

Written By

I am an Irish artist and illustrator. I've designed stuff for Extreme Noise Terror, Steve Ignorant, Phobia, Coldwar, Raw Noise, Abaddon Incarnate, Riistetyt, Coitus, Rattus and many more. I started writing for zines in the late eighties and also used to run a radio show called Scairt Radio for Profane Existence and 98FM Pirate Radio in Greece for two years. Currently I'm writing and illustrating a book on Celtic mythology.

Sentient 51423

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