Text & Photos: Colton Bills
On December 10th, Wolvhammer brought their soul-crushing black metal to a rather small club in the heart of Vancouver for a vet lucky audience.
Opening the show was local act Nostrum. They played a crushing set.
Afterwards, locals SEER played loud and fast and good. They were priming the audience like a powder keg. They played early 80’s thrash, very tight.
Next, Firecult played a set of truly evil black metal. The corpse paint, the lights, the songs were everything you could want in a black metal band.
Finally, Wolvhammer. I went into this show only listening to Wolvhammer a handful of times. They blew me away live. Evil, heavy, sickening, visceral, grotesque black metal. The music was such an intense experience I had to go to the back of the room to get away from it all. I felt crushed under the weight of it. Check them out sometime!!!