What city gave birth to African-American street gangs? The windy city of Chicago is where it all started. The P-Stone Rangers were huge when I was a kid in the 70’s in the City of Angels, and would go on to become a part of the Bloods. During this time, we did not worry about drive-bys in South Central, because the gangs handled their beefs with fists, bats and chains. These Cali gangsters could trace their beginnings back to Jeff Fort and his Black P-Stones. Fort also is famous for sitting in front of Congress in the 60’s, and they ended up giving him a million, not knowing he was gang leader. So the fact that Chicago Gangs carried business cards during the 70’s and 80’s makes perfect sense. Peep these cards below – what trips me out about them is how much art is fit in such a small space…Their G-code was the Business-Code.