Since I enjoyed my first Boots, Bats & Boobs post so much, I thought what the hell, I’ll do another one! Today I’m featuring another multidisciplined Spanish artist, Arantza Sestayo, and her mythologically beautiful, hauntingly evil erotic beauties. Her work has a strong fantasy element to it, with it’s misty realism and soft textures, as if you are peering into a veiled alternate reality where clothes are burdensome and magick is everywhere. Her pencil work also has that dark element of horror to it that I love, although she draws a devil-worshipping sorceress as well as she paints an ethereal fairy goddess. But if I know my audience, it’s the babe seated at Satan’s throne that you want to see. You can keep up with Sestayo on Facebook, and see the rest of her stunning work on her website…but take a minute to escape into her macabre and carnal world below…