My mental health has been fragile this week. The new BODY MEAT album Starchris has been a sonic space of healing for me, and for that, I want to thank them. I was amazed at the amount of freedom and passion that’s in every song on this album. Imagine if Corbin took acid with Aphex Twin and then shapeshifted into LIL Tracy before going to an underground Gang Gang Dance show where Travis Scott was the Djay — the outcome of this whole affair still would not come close to the sounds of this collection of experimental tunes. While plugging myself into BODY MEAT’s audio universe, I almost feel as if I’m trapped inside a Motherboard. I know for a fact that as I immerse myself in the song “Right Here,” all of my pain washes away and I just want the song to never end! The vocals and the production of this composition are simply sublime. This album reminds me of life itself, and what I mean by that is that it is filled with the ups and downs we all face on a daily. Starchris is an album that with each listen will open a new door with your imagination and point you to a future you did not know existed. I want BODY MEAT to know that their artistic vision is filled with soundscapes that morph like Dali paintings with hidden messages like Basquiat. Between the glitches and pulsating beats is brilliance and the courage to create from a place of confidence! “Ōbu No Seirei (Spirit of an Orb)” is an 8-minute journey into a world where no creative rules exist. BODY MEAT’s Starchris is out now on Partisan Records, and it’s one of my favorite audio events of 2024. I want to thank them again for manifesting such a special album that will be a part of me and others for decades to come!