Black Metal Exclusive CVLT Nation Streaming: SON OF MAN “Chiroptophobia” Pissing on the graves of all of the dead popes, SON OF MAN comes out blazing on their soon to be released 7 inch... Sean ReveronMay 1, 2014
Events Desertfest 2014 – Days 1 & 2 Words & Photos by Gemma Shaw Desertfest 2014 – Camden, London DAY 1 – Friday, April 25th Wino’s Spirit Caravan are reunited after 12... MeghanMay 1, 2014
Movies Fuck Yeah! The Twisted World Of Nollywood! I’ve never watched a whole Nollywood movie, but I do give the Nigerians mad props for creating their own form of cinema which is... Sean ReveronMay 1, 2014
CVLT Nation Sessions MISFITS Earth A.D. The CVLT Nation Sessions CVLT Nation is proud to present the third covers compilation in our series The CVLT Nation Sessions: MISFITS‘ seminal album Earth A.D.. This rad... MeghanMay 1, 2014
Death Rock An interview with Chicago postpunk band Population by Oliver Sheppard Since 2009, Population have been making some of the most immersively moody postpunk music out there. Although they hail from the hardcore punk scene’s... Oliver SheppardApril 30, 2014
Features In-Fucking-Tense CVLT Nation Streaming: FALSE LIGHT Self -Damnation & Bête Noire In 2012, a young band from Charlston, SC had the underground take notice to their punishing brand of Powerviolence/Hardcore. They go by the name... Sean ReveronApril 30, 2014