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Black Ink Dark Light!
Stag & Serpent Artworks Spotlight

Glyn Smyth first caught my attention when I was looking at a Wolves In The Throne Room tour poster, so I looked into his work and I really liked what I found. It will probably not surprise you, since I am a fan of artworks from Fortifem or Business for Satan, but the whole occult/magic feeling from metal artwork is something I really enjoy when it’s done well, which is what Stag & Serpent does. This Northern Irish man has worked with many bands, doing artwork or tour posters, and you will probably recognize his designs from Unearthly Trance, Sub Rosa, Bacchus, Tombstones or (obviously) WITTR.


But he’s not just a merch artist, he also does great “personal” work, like the tryptic Maiden / Mother / Crone. He doesn’t have a huge amount of artwork for now, but you should still go check out his website, and maybe order a nice print edition of some of his work.












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Written By

Passion driven french redactor ready to talk about anything regarding music, cinema, literature, esotericism or any type of worthy subjects. Also part of the TCPC organization in France.

Sentient 51423

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