Are you ready to get crushed by a putrid slab of blasphemous, catacombal Avantgarde death-doom? Look no further, Minnesota’s Ritual Ascension have diligently provided,...
It took Spain’s enigmatic black metal contortion Délirant seven years to birth the righteous successor to its staggering 2018 self-titled debut album, was it...
Cyber-dystopias, rogue industrialization, environmental collapse, surveillance capitalism…. The new world lurking ahead is a dark, grim and hopeless place and some bands see it...
Everyone was likely waiting to hear what Nekus‘ followup to last year’s massive debut 2LP Sepulchral Divination was gonna sound like. Well, the wait...
Tomorrow September 20 2024 AbArt Corruption and Sentient Ruin bring you the debut offering by Germany Black/Death Metal cult WRAHHA, 3 tracks of blistering...