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War Metal

Experience the Darkness and Evil of PREHISTORIC WAR CULT’s ‘Barbaric Metal’  

BIG FACTS: Prehistoric War Cult’s BARBARIC METAL is one of the sickest albums of 2024!!! This band has harnessed their putrid-reeking riffs of all-out war on our downpressors into a virulent sonic killing machine that never relents! From the moment you press play on songs like “To The Throne Of The Mighty” and “Death Cult (Arrival Of The Final Day Of Death),” they will drag you into their world of bestial lust for destruction. What I’m impressed with is how they can pound you in the skull with an intense storm of audio hate and rock the fuck out at the same time! Something about their songs hit deeper than just on a surface level. Prehistoric War Cult’s tunes are war calls for the world to wake the fuck to what’s going on around us. I respect the fact that they are willing to take a stand politically when so many in the metal scene are silent against the social injustices of the world or siding with white supremacy. I want my War Metal to be gnarly as fuck, but I also want to know that the people creating it don’t have KKK crosses of hate burning in their hearts! While “Primitive Triumph” plays in the background, I have visions of desecrating the graves of the slave owners that fucked over my ancestors! Prehistoric War Cult manifests straight up BARBARIC AF Metal to dismantle this barbaric system of filth that we are all living under! There is not one weak moment on this album — it’s all KILLER and NO filler!

Written By

Sentient 51423

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