FUCKIN’ WHATEVER is sending me back to a time where I needed nothing but music that made me feel free and weird. Their eclectic experimental rock sound is giving me major Animal Collective X Public Memory vibes and I absolutely love it! Today we’re lucky to be sharing the video for their new single “Never Believe” off their self-titled record Fuckin’ Whatever, out June 4th via Born Losers Records—pre-order it here and get limited merch here. Listen to this divine music while I tell you something wild: Fuckin’ Whatever didn’t use instruments on this album. “It’s pretty much 80% mouth noises and 20% Ben slapping things around the house” is how they describe their ethereal melodies and mesmerizing percussion. OK, now I’m hearing the tables and spoons, and I’m impressed with how good they sound. I think Fuckin’ Whatever just turned the clock back 10 years for me, which is awesome because next week I’ll be 41. Good job…