I get excited every time I sit down to work on CVLT Nation. I get excited because I know I’m archiving a pivotal moment in history and the human experience of 2020 through underground musical and artistic expression. Songs and videos made under the duress of isolation and societal unrest like what I’m sharing today from Long Beach’s DüllHaus, who make captivating, dreamy, shoegaze industrial that weaves itself through my past and my present. Watching their new video for “Let Me Go” transports me back to life experiences that crawled into my shadows and only started to re-emerge this year as our whole world turned upside down and I was forced to sit with myself with no distractions. Observing my own thoughts and seeing them for what they are. The unsettling tones that underpin “Let Me Go” belie the beautiful melodies that layer over a steady, addictive, and almost jarring beat. DüllHaus summon the knawing knowing that when we leave this pandemic behind us nothing will ever be the same, a simultaneously comforting and terrifying thought. This year I’ve learned to reject those kinds of thoughts and just be with myself. The “Let Me Go// T7” single comes out tomorrow and you can pre-order it here. Right now, watch our premiere of “Let Me Go”…
We recorded this song during the beginning of the lockdown/quarantine period in early 2020, and were really just trying to channel the anxiety and frustration we were feeling as a result of profoundly isolating circumstances.
– James Clearwater, Singer/Lyricist and Videographer/Songwriter for DüllHaus