I, Voidhanger Records is one of the most unique labels is the underground. What I like about them is their commitment to releasing music that is not afraid of pushing boundaries. Case in point is the new Finnish band NEPHILIM’S HOWL, whose record Through The Marrow Of Human Suffering defies labels. This band’s music is brooding and dark but uplifting at the same time! I find while I listen to their music, my thoughts transform into portals of spirit walkers that know no boundaries. CVLT Nation is proud to be streaming NEPHILIM’S HOWL’s new record below…
Lyrically, ‘Through The Marrow Of Human Suffering’ is about existential contemplation, manifested with intense imagery and a vivid language,” explains VJR, NEPHILIM’S HOWL guitarist. “It focuses on individual’s place among the ages, the sensation of withering away like the glory of times past, but also thriving on the strength to be found from all of it in reflection to our history, piercing through what keeps us from our potential. The name of the band was chosen to reflect the trinity of beasts, men and gods, notably the founding themes present in mythological tales throughout the ancient past, as well as among the written expressions of NEPHILIM’s HOWL.