In 1986, documentary filmmaker David Hoffman captured the perspective of one group of teenage hardcore and heavy metal musicians in Belfast, Maine. He interviewed the members of a band called Hatred who were performing at a local Battle of the Bands that year. Hoffman sat down with their singer, Ed, and his mom, and some of his bandmates, and immortalized a moment in time for the underground. He’s followed up with Ed and his mom recently to see how their relationship played out. For some of you reading this, it’s going to bring you back to your youth; for others, it’s a way to travel back to the roots you never got to experience. Check out these interviews below, and I highly recommend you check out the rest of Hoffman’s videos because his whole channel is a historical goldmine!
80s Hardcore
Picture the Word THRASH in your mind! Watch These 1986 Hardcore/Heavy Metal Teen Memories
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