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Apocalyptic Blues

Unreal Debut!!!
ELEANORA s/t EP Streaming Now

Stop what you are doing and check out this unreal band from Belgium called ELEANORA who have a new EP out on Consouling Sounds. To put a label on their music would almost be an injustice, but I will say that every minute of this record will get deep down into your existence. ELEANORA’s music makes me think about the magic of nature and urban isolation all at the same time, and each song is rife with passion. This band is on a mission to create a sound that will destroy everything around you while slamming your head against a mammoth wall of emotion. The best way to experience how awesome ELEANORA is to just press play and allow yourself to be swept away by the whirlwind of kinetic audio fury! They are the sickest band I have heard this week, and I respect their creative spirit in manifesting such an epic debut!


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