You know those drawings that you can look at from two different perspectives, and what you see first is supposed to say something about your personality? A famous example of what is known as “pictographic ambiguity” is a face where you see both an old lady and a young beauty. Well, “turning heads” is kind of like that, but without the psychology. Thomas Woodruff makes incredibly detailed paintings, but he has a series of “turning heads” where you can see a different painting if you turn it upside down. There are many on his website and I invite you to check them all out, as well as the rest of his work. I also chose not to put the two views of the same painting, so that you make the effort of guessing how it is going to be (or turn your laptop upside down, your choice). There are numerous series of Woodruff’s paintings and “turning heads,” from which I chose these three series.
The Sun/Sun Studies
The Court
The Solar System