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The Occult & Alchemy… Expressed With Street ART!

Since the early days of humanity, humans have found ways to experience themselves through art. In modern times, street art has gone from something that has been totally outlawed to something that has gained respect.

Since the early days of humanity, humans have found ways to experience themselves through art. In modern times, street art has gone from something that has been totally outlawed to something that has gained respect. This form of artistic expression is often associated with the hip-hop community, but has been embraced by people outside of that community as a way to express themselves. Today, we would like to share two street artists that have taken the occult approach to the walls of their neighborhoods. CVLT Nation would like to salute Hive Mind & Leon Ka.

Leon Ka: Art Below

kafre_graffiti_streetart_leonka_montana_colors_ kafre_graffiti_streetart_leonka_montana_colors_1

kafre_graffiti_streetart_leonka_montana_colors_2 kafre_graffiti_streetart_leonka_montana_colors_3 kafre_graffiti_streetart_leonka_montana_colors_5 kafre_graffiti_streetart_leonka_montana_colors_6

Hive Mind: Art Below

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Written By

Sentient 51423

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