In these end times, we’re all wondering if this is really it for us, and when’s Jesus coming back? I’ve struggled with my faith from a very young age, but after looking at these Christian album covers, I’m certain that I made the right choice. Who wouldn’t want to hear sweet melodies emerging from Jesus’ chosen ones? God is clearly picking only the best to spread His word, and you can see that in the immaculate beehives that grace more than one of these album covers. None of these people reinforce that creepy vibe I always felt at church. Their odd, staring eyes don’t in any way make me think of deceased fish laying on ice. I don’t see the centuries of brainwashing, the doublespeak, the manipulation – instead, I see a really nice group of people who desperately want to be used and touched by Jesus, and they’re pretty open about wanting to touch “him” as well. Lock up your sons and brothers, folks. So I thought it was important to share these sacred images with you, and I hope they touch you the way you like it…

Via Sad and Useless